Sep 16Liked by Donna Lancaster

Thanks for these reminders about the golden threads. I always feel more alive when they are in place/mostly in place. I need to adventure to discover some local horses I can connect with 🐴💙

A couple of weeks back I experienced a magical body treatment and noticed immediate breakthrough- a song came into existence, effortlessly & immediately cycling along the beach/🌊 afterwards- and I’ve been singing it over myself periodically since- Integration and loving me in gratitude to the healers ❤️

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Donna Lancaster

And these beautiful golden threads are sometimes a warm, soft blanket that wraps itself around us in times need and sometimes a magic carpet that helps us ride the ups and downs of our soul’s journeys 💫

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Sep 16Liked by Donna Lancaster

Or a weighted blanket ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for the beautiful reminders Donna. These threads really help me do the weaving. I’ve noticed through observing my daughter how naturally they weave these. I’ve experienced such resistance to joining her play and have found surrendering this and sitting with her to draw and create and be her audience for her shows has shown me back to the joy I experienced as a child. Adulting and the constant feeling of pressure to be on top of all the ‘stuff’ gets so in the way!

We live in a flat and I’ve been pondering the animal bit, we’d so love to have a dog and can’t because of my work etc. I wonder if fish would do the trick 🤔 or whether I need to find a dog who needs some weekend walks we could help with. Much love to everyone and for those with littles in their lives hope you have as many conkers and acorns filling your life as me right now 😂🍁❤️

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