This is beautiful Donna, so relatable and such a common experience I think. I recall feeling envy watching my own parents blossom into loving grandparents after raising me with harsh discipline and criticism. We live, we learn, we grow and I love that you are willing to name and own the mistakes of the past ❤

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Thanks Vicki. So many 'mistakes'...life offers us so many opportunities to learn and grow. Grandparenting is a precious gift that not everyone gets or takes. I feel so blessed. Like I can finally be the person I always was but hadn't remembered! xx

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Aug 13Liked by Donna Lancaster

Thank for writing this Donna, it really struck a chord with me.

My children are still fairly young but already I feel this sadness. I think for me, it’s a case of expectations versus reality of me as a mother and my parenting but also unrealistic societal pressures on mothers and what the ‘perfect’ mother is.. versus what is good enough.

Your grandchildren are blessed to have you as a grandmother and guide. x

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You're so welcome Weyma and I recommend checking out Zoe blaskeys book and podcast both called Motherkind. She covers a lot of this impossible struggle for mothers and how to heal from it. Biggest Love xxx

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How beautiful, yes gratitude, grandsons and grace … and beautiful daughters with ancestors cheering. You certainly,y are blessed. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you Simone xx

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Aug 8Liked by Donna Lancaster

Awww lovely pics ❤️

I really relate to the sadness of not remembering parenting.

I feel very similar as not remembering much of anything.

I can not wait to be a grandmother ❤️ it’s like a second chance at being a mum 🧑

You are very blessed to have 3 gorgeous grandsons.

They to are very blessed to have you 🙏

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Yes the sadness is natural isn't it Pearl? We missed out on so much and yet theres still so much to be grateful for. I am indeed blessed and am sure you will make a brilliant granny! ;-)

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Aug 8Liked by Donna Lancaster

This is so lovely Donna, your 3 grandchildren are very lucky to have you as their grandmother xx

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Thank you Mandy xx

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This is a lovely essay and the photos are a delight. Marion Woodman is a wonderful source of guidance and inspiration for all women. Of course she was a Jungian.

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Thank you Frances and yes Marion Woodman is one of my favourite Elders xx

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This just resonated with me so very much ! I often wonder at the feeling of just being so present when I’m with my grandchildren . I’ve actually thought is there anywhere I’d rather be or is there more important work I could be doing . I don’t think so . It was something I never actually sought or thought I’d want but now they are here being their grandmother is an absolute joy ( most of the time and hard work the other bit - I’m a pretty for 67 but sometimes it’s quite tiring 🥴) . You have articulated so much of what I feel when I’m with them. I don’t have the overwhelm of worrying who they will turn out to be or if they will be okay . I can just see them as perfectly imperfect little beings who will travel through this world of ours with all its challenges . I also love watching my kids be parents . They are so much better at it than I ever was . Thank you Donna .

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Your grandsons are very lucky to have such a wise grandmother. They are sure to grow up into lovely young men, and the world needs more of them xx

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